ISSN: 2332-0702

Zeitschrift für Mundhygiene und Gesundheit

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A Case of Oral Malodor: Improving the Motivation of Patients by Use of Bacterial Examination

Yoneda M, Suzuki N, Fujimoto A, Ishii A, Yamada K, Masuo Y, Iwamoto T, Haraga M, Koga C, Morita H, Inoue Y, and Hirofuji T

Here, we report a case of oral malodor that was diagnosed by bacterial examination. The patient (a 32-year-old female) visited our breath clinic because a family member advised her to do so. Strong oral malodor was detected by several tests including an organoleptic test, a portable sulfide monitor, and gas chromatography. She noticed her oral malodor, but her motivation toward treatment was low. Even after explaining the cause of halitosis and the importance of oral hygiene, her motivation did not improve. So we applied a bacterial examination, and explained the results in detail. She understood how oral bacteria had caused the oral malodor, and she tried to do tooth brushing better. After a basic periodontal treatment, her oral condition improved and the number of periodontopathic bacteria reduced. She continued with careful tooth brushing even after the periodontal treatment, and her breath odor remarkably decreased. This case report indicates the usefulness of bacterial examination for motivating patients to improve their oral hygiene.