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Medani, El Badwi, S. M. A. and Amin, A. E.
Six heads of Newzealand rabbits were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 animals were the undosed controls. The test group was given 1% alum and 1% polydadmac at 1:2 for a period of 10 weeks after an adaptation period of two weeks during which the animals were under ideal experimental conditions. Fluctuations in electrolyte levels of Mg, Fe, Na, K, Ca and P were monitored in comparison to the undosed control rabbits. On evaluation of the above results, The interactive water treatment with 1% alum and 1% polydadmac at 1:2 was considered toxic to Newzealand rabbits at the dose rates tried Practical implications of the results were highlighted and suggestions for future work were put forward.