ISSN: 2155-6199

Zeitschrift für Bioremediation und biologischen Abbau

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A New Synthesis of Nickel 12-Hydroxy Oleate Formulation to Improve Polyolefin's Degradation

Anniyyappa Umapathi Santhoskumar, Komaragounder Palanivelu, Shailendra Kumar Sharma and Sanjay Kumar Nayak

A new additive Nickel (Ni) 12-hydroxyoleate was successfully synthesized and their performance on the photodegraded low density polyethylene and polypropylene fi lms were subjected to biodegradation in the presence of the microbes such as Aspergillus niger and Pencillium funculosum isolated from a dump. Fragments occur progressively in the biodegradation of the photodegradaded fi lms. Moreover, the biodegradation test results reveal that 19% and 23% respectively of the material degradation at the end of 45 days. This Ni 12-hydroxyloleate blended with LDPE and PP fi lms has been exposed to abiotic and biotic environments. The abiotic degradable of the fi lms were UV irradiated for periods of maximum within 96 hours of LDPE and 72 hours of PP in different percentage before being mixed with water and organic fraction municipal solid compost were examined by infrared spectroscopy. The carbonyl peak increased with time in the abiotic environment and the oxidative degradation. In the presence of a biotic environment however, this peak decreased. At the same time there was an increase in double bonds which was related to weight loss. This mechanism is compared, on the one hand, with abiotic photo-oxidation, Norrish type I degradation and on the other with biotic polyole fi n’s degradation to produce double bond formation fi nd out peak in FTIR. So it is proxidante and bioactive LDPE and PP-Ni 12-hydroxyloleate degradable simply. The SEM micrograph con fi rms the presence of the deterioration of fi lm increases with increase of percentage additive due to the presence of microbial exposure.