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La Tonya Noë, Jill Gromer and Megan Deichen
This study describes the development and immediate effects of a school-based, cross-age (high school), peerled,
targeted intervention to reduce and prevent the onset of major depression among girls ages 13-15 attending a
rural middle school in Northern Florida. The intervention, Talk ‘n’ Time, is based on cognitive behavioral and positive
youth development principles. This study is a single-blind randomized controlled trial of a school-based targeted
intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and prevent the onset of major depression among middle school girls.
Participants in the intervention arm of the study attended 12 weekly 90-minute sessions after school. Participants in
the control arm of the study were placed on a monitored waitlist. Participants were recruited through an in-school
special assembly for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls, posters with cultural diverse girls, and through mailings sent to the
same group demographic. Depression symptoms and severity were assessed at baseline and again at 14 days
post-intervention. Approximately 8% of participants dropped out before providing complete data, but there was no
evidence of attrition bias. Mean scores from a repeated measure analysis indicated that intervention participants
showed significantly greater reductions in depressive symptoms relative to controls from pre to post and 6-month
follow-up. These results tentatively suggest that this school-based, peer-led, depression prevention program can
improve rural middle school girls’ depression symptoms. Innovative programs are needed to reduce the risk of and
prevent the acquisition of major depression among middle school girls, particularly those that are marginalized and
resource poor in rural communities. This program implements several innovations to its design of depression
reduction and prevention in rural middle school girls. Future directions for research and practice are discussed