ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Assessment of Addiction and Tobacco Abuse variants use in rural community Ratnapur village of Wardha district- Occupational and Community Survey

Divya Popat, Bhushan Mhaiskar, Namrata Chouragade, Shweta Parwe

Background: Addiction means compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance (like heroin or nicotine), characterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; it has also been used more broadly to refer to compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be dependant. Early age is more prone to various addictions may help to mitigate sufferings and health problems. With this background, this study was conducted in a small village of Wardha district.

Aims and Objectives: The aims of this work were to assess the age of onset of addiction, to asses substance of different forms of tobacco, to compare number of males and females having different forms tobacco addictions. To assess different types of health problems associated with tobacco addictions and to study the cause of addiction.

Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among villagers in the age group 20–60 years, who were personally interviewed based on a predesigned structured questionnaire. Data for this survey were collected by house-to-house visits using a structured questionnaire through interviewing and observation during Community Health Check Program from Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College, Hospital & Research Centre.

Results: Age of onset of addiction started in early age between 20 and 30 years. 77% females were addicted to various addicted variants. Illiterate peoples are more addicts. 35 addicts of pitta-Vaat prakruti were more prone to addiction. 34% people were addicted to alcohol maximum seen in village but frequency of tobacco chewing maximum were seen. Main source of addiction among addicts was 38% are their friends. Health problems like mouth ulcers are mostly seen. 41% addicts were experienced restlessness. Bad and Intimate behaviour also were mostly seen among 31% addicts. Main cause of addiction among Ratnapur village is illiteracy and source of addiction is friends.

Conclusion: Many are unaware about the percentage of addiction are more among illiteracy and bad company like friends. There is a need to create awareness among villagers about addiction among teenagers and counselling with respect to rehabilitation.

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