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Assessment on Utilization of Pesticides and Their Effect on Beekeeping in Kafa and Benchi-Sheko Zones, Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region (Snnpr), Ethiopia

Tesfu Shegaw*, Dawit Habtegiorgis and Tewabe Edimew

The study was conducted in Kafa and Benchi-Sheko zones with to identify types of pesticides, their utilization, and their impacts on the beekeeping industry. Purposive sampling was used for study sites selection. Accordingly, a total of four districts being Debub Benchi and Guraferda from Benchi Sheko Zone; Chena and Gimbo districts from Kafa zone were selected. Three peasant associations (PAs) were purposively selected from each district based on their pesticide utilization and agro-ecologies. Available data were collected from beekeepers, non-beekeepers, key informants, and field observations. From the study, a total of 12-types of pesticides being Roundup, 2,4-D, Malathion, Diazinon, Ridomill, Mancozeb, Profit, Agrolambasin, Matico, Sevin, Imidacloprid, and Karatine were found to be used in the areas for controlling various pests and diseases from crops and animals. Of which 2, 4-D and Roundup were widely used for controlling various weeds. Most (68.9%) respondents use pesticides with a significantly higher number (73.9%) of non-beekeepers using pesticides than beekeepers (63.9%) at p<0.05. Illegal traders, legal traders, and Governmental Organizations were the major sources of pesticides sharing 53%, 30%, and 17% respectively. Utilization of pesticides was higher in low lands compared to midland and low land areas. However, there was no significant variation in the utilization of pesticides between beekeepers and non-beekeepers at p<0.05. Moreover, though most farmers were found to have knowhow about the side effects of pesticides on the environment and other non-targeted species, the overall cares taken before, during, and after the application of pesticides was very less.

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