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Biomathematical Analysis on Impedance Measurement during COVID-19 Pandemic

Bin Zhao* and Xia Jiang

The coating impedance size can reflect the aging degree of the coating to a certain extent, therefore, the measurement of the coating impedance size can monitor the aging degree of the coating in real time. Since the coating is traditionally considered as an insulating medium, its impedance value before aging is as high as 10^8 Ω or more, it is difficult to achieve accurate impedance measurement, and the current generated by loading by voltammetry at low voltage is very weak and easily affected by external electromagnetic interference noise, and the measurement accuracy is low. In this paper, by pluralizing the high impedance, establishing the mathematical model of differential amplification circuit, and then using sinusoidal fitting in which processing, so that the obtained signal is more accurate during COVID-19 pandemic.