ISSN: 2471-9846

Zeitschrift für Gemeinde- und öffentliche Gesundheitspflege

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Child Malnourishment: A Narrative Analysis

Jyoti Devi

The most affected population with malnutrition is infants, children and elderly people of the society. In India around 33 lacs children are malnourished and half of them were present in the states like Maharashtra, Bihar and Gujarat. When we talk about the Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir Union territory there is slightly increase of malnourished children as per the data of National family Health Survey 4 (2015-2016) and NFHS 5 (2019-2020).Despite the science and technological advancements in this century, there is still needs to address the issue of malnutrition. Compacting malnutrition is one of most important concerns at the regional, national and global level. As per the Report of Lancet Commission 2019 “Malnutrition includes forms of obesity, under nutrition and other dietary risks”. The present paper through narrative review will focus on the effectiveness of Government intervention dealing with malnourished children in Jammu district. In this study the researcher critically analyses the interventions to deal with the problem of child malnutrition.

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