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Conceptions of and Attitude toward Multiple Sexual Partners among Youths in Bolgatanga Municipality, Northern Ghana

Van der Geugten J, Van Meijel B, Den Uyl MHG and De Vries NK

Objective: This study analyses the conceptions of and attitude toward multiple sexual partners among youths in Bolgatanga municipality, northern Ghana. Methods: Semi-structured and focus group interviews were held with 71 youths and 12 adults. Results: Youths’ multiple sexual partnerships were found to be related to various factors, including infidelity and distrust in relationships, cultural traditions such as the practice of polygyny and the importance of fertility, and modern developments such as increased school attendance and the use of new media. For boys, important motives for having multiple sexual partnerships are sexual prowess, prestige, desire, and pleasure, while for girls financial independence is important. Conclusion: The various influencing factors and the youths’ personal motives, combined with limited knowledge of SRH and risky sexual behavior prevents the youths from making well-advised and healthy choices concerning their sexual and reproductive wellbeing.

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