ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Dermal Exposure to Occupational Chemicals and its Associated Health Effects

Mahmoud Rezagholi

In the United States, there are many workers in various occupations and sectors who may be exposed to chemicals absorbed through the skin. Occupational skin contact can lead to many illnesses that can affect a person's health and performance at work. In general, there are three types of chemical-skin interactions of concern:direct skin effects, immune-mediated skin effects, and systemic effects. Hundreds of chemicals (metals, epoxies,acrylics, rubber additives, and chemical intermediates) found in nearly every industry cause direct and immunemediated effects such as contact dermatitis and urticaria. It has been confirmed to cause them, but little is known about their numbers and types. A chemical that contributes to systemic effects to raise awareness, skin labeling assignments communicate skin absorption potential. However, there is a need for standardization among authorities to communicate accurate descriptions of occupational hazards. Exposure to complex mixtures, excessive hand washing, use of hand sanitizers, frequent washing, and other biological responses that enhance penetration and alter the outcome of skin chemical exposures. Studies have shown it can be irritating. Understanding the hazards of skin exposure is essential to properly implementing protective measures to ensure worker safety and health.

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