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Julio López Argüelles
Introduction: Parkinson Disease (PD) although described initially by James Parkinson as a disease with motor disorder it has been demonstrated that the cognitive disorders in the form of disejecutive syndrome are frequent worsening with the evolution. Objective: To characterize the frontal dysfunction (FD) in the patients with PD and to determine the factors related with frontal dysfunction in early stages. Method: We studied 125 patients with diagnosis of idiopathic PD and Hohen and Yahr Stages <2, to those which it was carried to them out survey with demographic, clinical and neuropsychological data studies included the Frontal Assesment Batery (FAB). Results: The mean age was of 68.1 ± 8.6, the onset age was of 62.6 ± 10.5, the diestrums predominated and those which initiated with tremor. Of the 125 patients 71.4% presented FD, with an average of the FAB of 11.82 ± 3.7. The age (R=-0,45; p<0,001) and onset age (R=-0,33; p=0,02) showed inversely proportional correlation with the FD. Other related variables were the schooling up to second level (p=0,003) and the rural origin with significance <0,001. Conclusions: The age and onset age higher than 60 years, the lower schooling than second level of teaching, rural origin and the presence of cognitive dysfunction are related to FD in early stages of PD.