ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Globalizing the Work Importance among Occupational Therapy Graduates

Siaw Jack

Workers are more likely to be motivated to provide high-quality services when occupational therapy focuses on serving clients. The following were the goals of this study: a) to ascertain the degree to which occupational therapy graduates in Malaysia are motivated to work and b) to ascertain whether or not there is a difference in motivation to work between these graduates based on work sector, job position, length of experience, and gender. Occupational therapy bachelor's degree graduates were recruited for this cross-sectional study through an online survey. The WEIMS, or Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale, was used to gauge levels of motivation at work. The selfdetermined profile of occupational therapy graduates demonstrates that they have a high level of work motivation. Only the work sector influences these graduates' work motivation differently.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.