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Management of Epilepsy during COVID-19

Ali Reyaz

Our research sought to determine how epileptic individuals fared during two of Ireland’s most stringent four-month society-wide COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in 2020 and 2021. This was in relation to their control over seizures, aspects of their lifestyle, and availability of epilepsy-related healthcare services. At the conclusion of the two lockdowns, adults with epilepsy were given a questionnaire with 14 sections during virtual specialist epilepsy clinics at a University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Individuals with epilepsy were addressed on their epilepsy control, way of life variables and nature of epilepsy-related clinical consideration, contrasted with pre-Coronavirus times. With similar baseline characteristics, the study sample consisted of two distinct cohorts of epileptics: 100 (51.8%) in 2020 and 93 (48.2%) in 2021.

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