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Hanan Abdulaziz Amr and Islam Mohamed Eldesouky
Parathyroid cystic adenomas are often misdiagnosed as thyroid cysts. We report a case of haemorrhagic cystic parathyroid adenoma, which presented a diagnostic challenge that led to life-threatening complications. A 46-yearold man who was mis-diagnosed as having a thyroid follicular cyst 4 months ago, presented with pathological fracture right neck femur. Laboratory investigations revealed increased serum calcium, parathyroid hormone, and impaired renal function. Ultrasound examination of the neck showed complex cystic lesion related to the left thyroid lobe. He had medical treatment of hypercalcaemia followed by surgical excision of a 5.5 cm cystic neck mass. He stayed in hospital for 6 months during which the calcium and parathormone returned to normal, his fracture healed, and the bone texture had improved.