ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Personal Energy Audit (PEA) Through Energy Labeling: A New Concept for Environment Conservation and Healthy Living

Deepak Kumar Gupta

Purpose: The health is not merely an absence of disease as it has many dimensions to it for e.g. physical, mental and social. We all have knowledge of healthy practices, but most of us do not understand them well enough to follow them diligently. The proposed new concept of Personal Energy Audit (PEA) through energy labeling can address the problem of non-adherence to healthy lifestyles and can help in environment conservation.

Aims and Objective: This novel concept can have potential in achieving targets of healthy living and environment conservation. The effect of environment on good health is a well-known fact, but the effect of bad health on environment is nobody’s concern. The time has come when we as an individual stop recognizing good health as a self-centered concept, but efforts put in to maintain good health can help to decrease the energy requirement of the nation and will indirectly put fewer burdens on natural resources.

Personal Energy Audit (PEA) through Energy Labeling: The concept involves putting an energy label on all medicines and treatment devices used in the treatment of lifestyle diseases alongwith price tag so that person knows, how much energy is being consumed if good health is not maintained, thus resulting in the need for a particular treatment device or medicine (e.g. implant, stent, artificial joint etc.).

Conclusion: The energy spent (in terms of medicine /device manufacturing, manpower requirement, infrastructure requirements) on treatment of these life style diseases can be saved by healthy living and will help to create positive energy balance. The day is not far when we might be questioned by our peers, if we are not maintaining good health.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.