ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Prevalence of Playing-related Musculoskeletal Pain and Associated Factors among Professional Violinists

Martin Argus, Jaan Ereline and Mati Paasuke

Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of playing-related musculoskeletal pain (MSP) with associated factors and the functional characteristics of neck and shoulder area in professional violinists and when compared with a control group of office workers. Methods: 26 professional violinists (82% female) and 18 office workers as controls (80% female) aged 20-57 years participated. The prevalence of MSP was evaluated by Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and the intensity of MSP using Visual-Analogue Scale (VAS). Active range of motion (AROM) of neck and shoulder joints was measured using goniometry. Neck muscle strength was measured using manual dynamometer. Results: In violinists, the prevalence of MSP in previous 6 months was 84.6%, whereas the most affected areas were low back (53.8%), neck (53.8%) and left shoulder (50.0%). Violinists had less (p<0.05) AROM in neck rotation to right, left shoulder flexion and left shoulder internal rotation than controls. Violinists had also less (p<0.05) internal rotation of left shoulder compared with their right shoulder. There was no significant (p<0.05) difference in neck muscle strength between left and right side in violinists and when compared with controls. A significant positive correlation between daily average workload and the intensity of MSP and a negative correlation between work experience and the intensity of MSP was suggested in violinists. Conclusions: The prevalence of MSP among professional violinists is high, whereas the most affected areas are low back, neck and left shoulder. Violinists had asymmetry in AROM between body sides in neck and shoulder area. Violinists had no differences in neck muscle strength between body sides and when compared with control group. Violinists with higher daily average workload are in risk of experiencing more intense MSP. More experienced violinists tend to experience less intense MSP

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