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Psychological Health and Coping Strategies of Adolescents with Chronic Stuttering

Gordon W Blood and Ingrid M Blood

Abstract Objective: To assess the psychological health and coping strategies of 35 male adolescents with chronic stuttering and 35 male adolescents who do not stutter using standardized instruments. The study will also identify any relationships between psychological health and coping strategies and make recommendations to improve therapy outcomes for adolescents with chronic stuttering. Methods: Adolescents with chronic stuttering were diagnosed through case history, stuttering history, qualitative and quantitative overt speech behaviors and attitudinal measures. Participants who do not stutter were matched on age, race/ethnicity, grade level and SES. Standardized scales measuring coping strategies (The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Adolescent, CISS-A) and psychological health (The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SDQ) were completed. Results: Adolescents with chronic stuttering reported a higher number of peer relationship difficulties and a lower number of pro-social behaviors than adolescents who do not stutter. Adolescents with chronic stuttering reported significantly greater use of emotion-oriented coping strategies in dealing with general stressors compared with adolescents who do not stutter. Significant relationships were found between emotion-oriented coping strategies, peer relationship difficulties and pro-social behaviors for adolescents with both groups of participants. Conclusions: Adolescents with chronic stuttering may be vulnerable to peer relationships difficulties and poor pro-social behaviors. The results may reflect adolescents with chronic stuttering responses’ to reported negative biases and stereotypes by multiple conversation partners and the general public view of their social communication disability. Adolescents with chronic stuttering were more likely to use emotional-based coping strategies in dealing with general stressors in their lives. The data provide additional evidence for the need to address emotional and social assessment and treatment concerns for some adolescents who stutter.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.