ISSN: 2167-7719

Durch Luft und Wasser übertragene Krankheiten

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Pulmonary Brucellosis: Insights into Pathogenesis and Clinical Implications

Fouchier Ron

Brucellosis, caused by the intracellular bacteria of the genus Brucella, is a zoonotic infection commonly associated with febrile illness, joint pain, and fatigue. While its pulmonary involvement is infrequently reported, it presents unique challenges in diagnosis and management. This article provides a comprehensive overview of pulmonary brucellosis, focusing on its pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostic approaches, challenges in diagnosis, clinical implications, treatment, and preventive measures. The pathogenesis of pulmonary brucellosis involves inhalation of infected aerosols, leading to diverse clinical presentations. Diagnostic methods encompass serological tests, blood cultures, and radiological imaging. Challenges in diagnosis arise from its resemblance to other respiratory illnesses and low clinical suspicion. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial to prevent complications, including dissemination. Treatment involves a combination of antibiotics, with the duration of therapy varying based on severity. Improved awareness among healthcare professionals and continued research into this aspect of brucellosis are imperative to enhance clinical management and patient outcomes.