ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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Readmission and Penalty- Saving Analysis for Rural Areas Hospitals through Remote Patient Monitoring. A Case Study of St Peters Hospital, St Vincent, and Benefis Hospitals

Lincz Lisa

According to Association of American Medical Colleges, Rural American make up at least 15 to 20% of the U.S. population face inequities that result in worse health care than that of urban and suburban residents. Most of the rural healthcare facilities can now switch to RPM for them to be saved from CMS penalties if hospitals provide free broad band internet service. GPA will convince the hospitals to invest on broad band internet to be able to connect with patients living in rural areas more efficiently and have better access to healthcare through remote patient monitoring. GPA has reached out to an accountable care organization that have provided enough data showing the effectiveness of RPM on Heart failure patient’s readmission rates in rural areas hospitals. GPA aim to use remote patient monitoring based on modern technology to collect data and help heart failure patients manage their health without visiting the healthcare setting in rural areas.

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