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Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Abul Hossain, Mohammad Saidur Rahman, Nurul Mostafa Bin Bashir, Rajib Mia, Shajib Kumar Saha, Akther Jahan Kakon, Mohammad Ferdaus Ahmed
Mushroom is most diverse organisms on earth and since primitive times have played a vital role in human welfare, The fresh mushroom contains about 85-90% moisture, 3% protein, 4% carbohydrates, 0.3-0.4% fats and 1% minerals and vitamins as well as some medicinal properties like lowering blood cholesterol level, defense against cancer and invigorating hair growth, Mushroom is an organic vegetable and the production of mushroom is an ecofriendly and profitable agribusiness but labour intensive, It does not require any cultivable land and can be grown in room by racking vertically. Mushroom cultivation can help reduce vulnerability to poverty and strengthens livelihoods through the generation of a fast yielding and nutritious source of food and a reliable source of income, Mushrooms are being grown on commercial scale in many parts of the world, China produces 64 % of all edible mushrooms in the world and 85% of all oyster mushrooms all over the world (Pleurotus spp.) is also produced in China , These mushrooms have the ability to colonize and degrade a wide variety of lingo cellulosic wastes with relatively short cycle, Many studies have been conducted to test the ability of Pleurotus to grow on different agro wastes, such as cassava peels, cotton seed hulls, coffee husks, wheat straw, barely straw, saw dust and sinar straw tomato tuff fruit pulp and peel, coffee pulp, sugarcane residues . These by-products are left to rot in the field or are disposed of through burning. These residues associated with mycelium also have a great potential for use as fodder animal and as fertilizer in agriculture.