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The Duplicated Pancreas: Imaging Evaluation of a Rare Anomaly Presenting as Acute Pancreatitis

Rohr A, Best S, Sugumar A and Ash R

There are multiple variants of normal anatomy involving multiple organ systems, many of which are well documented throughout the medical community. Specifically, the pancreas can demonstrate a wide range of variants that include divisum, ectopic tissue, annular pancreas, ductal variation, and pancreatic rests. However, upon literature review, a complete duplication of the pancreas resulting in two separate pancreases is rarely documented. This case provides an interesting diagnosis of two individual pancreases in a patient whom initially presented clinically with recurrent bouts of acute pancreatitis and weight loss status post prior cholecystectomy. Dedicated CT, MRI, MRCP, and endoscopic ultrasound were able to delineate pertinent anatomy and acute findings. The resultant patient course is difficult to predict secondary to limited documentation of duplicated pancreases in the medical literature. Additionally, the case helps provide insight into complications that may arise from this embryologic anomaly, the best imaging techniques for evaluation, and future management of this patient.

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