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The Impact of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health: Current Insights and Future Directions

Septimiu Murgu

This short report describes respiratory pointers of polygraphies (PG) performed to probe several sleep- related conditions of breathing in children. It refers to the work of Michelet, Successful home respiratory polygraphy to probe sleep- disordered breathing in children, Sleep Medicine. Suggestions for PGs were grouped according to 6 orders craniofacial distortion, neuromuscular complaint, obesity, suspected obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), promptitude, and other. The reported data concern the original interpretable PGs (N = 289); original was defined as performed for the first time in any subject. Non-interpretability was defined as absent or unreliable oxygen achromatism by pulsation oximetry (SpO2), and/ or headwind and respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) flux trace signals during time analyzed. Analyzed time is reported. In a subset of cases, transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure (ptcCO2) was also measured. Data may bere- used for comparison in future validating disquisition for PGs in children.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.