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The Journey of B cells to Regulatory B cells: A Novel Hallmark of Mucosal Immunity

Sumanu Des

B cells, fundamental in adaptive immunity, exhibit the capacity to differentiate into regulatory B cells (Bregs). This specific group of B cells, recognized by their unique patterns of cytokine release and their role in immune modulation, actively engage in the regulation of the immune system. Bregs effectively counterbalance excessive immune reactions through the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10 and TGF-beta. As a result, they alleviate autoimmune responses and foster immune tolerance. Additionally, Bregs interact with a variety of immune cells, influencing the immune environment and maintaining a state of immune equilibrium. Utilizing the potential of Bregs for therapeutic purposes introduces innovative possibilities for addressing autoimmune disorders, allergies, and improving the outcomes of transplantation. The transition of a B cell into a regulatory B cell emphasizes the intricate nature of immune regulation and the inherent capability of the body to coordinate precise immune responses in support of overall wellbeing.