ISSN: 2329-6879

Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsangelegenheiten

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  • Genfer Stiftung für medizinische Ausbildung und Forschung
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The Role of the Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Ali Omor

Natural and word related sicknesses envelop a wide scope of human disease and are significant reasons for inability and demise in present day American culture. They incorporate cellular breakdown in the lungs and mesothelioma in people presented to asbestos, leukemia in people presented to benzene, asthma and persistent bronchitis in people presented to natural cleans, cellular breakdown in the lungs in people presented to radon, constant issues of the sensory system in specialists presented to solvents, kidney disappointment and hypertension in people persistently presented to lead, coronary illness in people presented to carbon disulfide, impedance of conceptive capacity in people presented to specific solvents and pesticides, and ongoing sicknesses of the musculoskeletal framework in laborers who perform dull movements.

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