ISSN: E-2314-7326

Neuroinfektiöse Krankheiten

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Traditional Physical Therapy to the Motor Function in the Baby

Toshiaki Hajto

The purpose of this study was to decide/figure out whether the motor abilities of Baby with spastic intelligent/brain-based palsy who were receiving functional physical therapy physical therapy with a focus on practicing functional activities improved more than the motor abilities of children in a reference group whose physical therapy was based on the way of thinking/basic truth/rule of usual/ commonly and regular/ healthyization of the quality of movement. Subjects. The subjects were children with mild or not extreme/medium-level intelligent/brain-based palsy old/allowed to get old/got older. Methods. A randomized block design was used to assign the Baby to the 2 groups. After a pretest, the physical therapists for the functional physical therapy group received training in the well-thought-out application of functional physical therapy. There were 3 follow-up tests/evaluations: 6, 12, and 18 months after the pretest. Both basic gross motor abilities and motor abilities in daily situations were studied, using the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and the self-care and ability to move around domains of the child-related process of figuring out the worth, amount, or quality of something of Disability List of items/produce a list of items (PEDI), match up each pair of items in order. The groups' improvements in basic gross motor abilities, as measured by the GMFM in a done or made to look the same way every time surrounding conditions, did not differ. When examining functional skills in daily situations, as measured by the PEDI, children in the functional physical therapy group improved more than children in the reference group. The result showed big improvement with Cage therapy using advanced spider suit therapy than traditional physical therapy on Gross Motor Function Measure. The Cage Therapy using Advanced Spider Suit is more effective and helpful therapy than Traditional Physical Therapy in improving Gross Motor Function in Children with Intelligent/brain-based Palsy.

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