ISSN: E-2314-7326

Neuroinfektiöse Krankheiten

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Viral Infection Effect in Human Body

Ghadri wiley

The spread of a hazardous virus within the body is known as a viral infection. The symptoms of the viral infection are caused by tissue damage and the host's immunological response. Virus infections come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Viruses that infect the lungs: The nose, lungs, and airway are all affected by respiratory virus infections. When a virus is active, it generates copies of itself and bursts (kills) the host cell to release the freshly created virus particles. Virus particles may also "bud" off the host cell over time before killing it. New virus particles are then free to infect more cells in any case. The symptoms of the viral infection appear as a result of cell damage and tissue destruction.

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