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Water for Life, Life of Water

Vir Singh, Surindra Negi and Meenakshi Arya

Water is critical for life. Water through photosynthesis ‘articulates’ itself into the structure and energy system of life. Functioning and the whole dynamics of life revolve round the water. Ours is a water planet and most of the Earth is also composed of water. However, availability and acquisition of water for all organisms on Earth and for all socioeconomic activities is not so easy. The water-related issues do not pertain only to its role in increasing and sustaining productivity worth human consumption, but also to its own productivity. Increasing water productivity means increased productivity of everything valuable for GNP. Increased water productivity leads to improved living conditions and better environmental management. This paper attempts to reflect on water productivity for agriculture and food security. Discussing the third pole of the Earth, i.e., the Himalayas, the paper also links water with ecological integrity of the biosphere.