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When Hopes and Great Expectations Have Gone with the Wind!!!!!!!Living with an Autistic Child, is it a Tragedy or a Blessing? None Can Tell but the Expert

Eman Ahmed Zaky

“Whenever there is a help, there is a hope”; having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is not the end of the world, with the necessary help autistic caregivers can face their problems in taking care of their children and efficiently deal with them. By knowing that these special children are not odd but different and by recognizing their potentials and savant abilities, professionals and caregivers can help them in creating their own future. Lastly but by no means least, it is worthy to remember that many of the autistic caregivers have turned their tragedy into a blessing by believing in their own capabilities of changing not only the life of their children but also the whole world for them.

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