ISSN: 2155-6105

Zeitschrift für Suchtforschung und -therapie

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Alcohol Rehabilitation

Alcoholism affects all segments of American life. The National Institute of Drug Abuse reports that in 2009, an estimated 6.8 percent of Americans had consumed five or more drinks on at least five occasions within the month preceding their survey. In addition, the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that an estimated one in six Americans has a drinking problem.

If you have developed a drinking problem, understanding your options for treatment is important. Alcohol rehab centers can offer you the medical attention and support you need get your drinking problem under control so you can reclaim your life.

Alcohol rehabilitation centers offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is good for people who have developed a drinking problem but are not yet addicted to alcohol. These people may be social drinkers who drink more than they should and have difficulty stopping. They have more of an emotional attachment to alcohol. Alcoholics should seek treatment from an inpatient treatment facility. They have developed a physical addiction to alcohol. If they go a short time without drinking, their body reacts negatively to the lack of alcohol, making it hard for them to properly function.

Related Journals of Alcohol Rehabilitation

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Therapy and Technology, International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health, Journal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation, Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation.