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Comorbidities are the diseases that are generated due to some primary disease. As for example, there are several comorbidities that are related to morbid obesity as consequences. This includes Congestive Heart Failure, Fatty Liver Syndrome, Depression, Stroke, Inability to Carry Out Daily Activities, Psychosocial Stress Resulting From Obesity, etc.
Comorbidity is actually the consequence of any disease that leads to several other related diseases. An individual having BMI>40 is considered to be obese. As a treatment, he/she may undergo weight loss surgeries. The weight loss surgeries and other medical implications may lead to other related diseases as mentioned earlier. These diseases are nothing but Comorbidities of Obesity
Related Journals of Comorbidities of Obesity
Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.