ISSN: 2329-910X

Klinische Forschung zu Fuß und Sprunggelenk

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Foot and Ankle Archeries Complexity

Ibrahim Sule

The presence of high rocky feet in modern society is the result of natural selection of long-distance running. On the other hand, the old trait of unripe feet on our great baboon relatives has been preserved because of their preference to hold tree branches as part of their arboreal life. The distinction between baboon feet and human feet began with the ancestor of the first man Ardipithecus ramidus, in which the reinforced plantar tissue emerged, which supported the premature movement of the earth before the appearance of the real arch. However, the skeletal longitudinal arch structure itself did not begin to evolve until Australopithecus afarensis transformed a much lower longitudinal arch (compared to modern humans) and the first signs of a parallel arch associated with it.

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