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Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Pulmonary Diseases

Solveig Magnusdottir

Sleep is associated with adaptive changes of the airways and the lungs. In patients with chronic pulmonary diseases such physiologic changes and the pathophysiologic changes induced by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may result in worsening of the pulmonary disease and can contribute to worsened outcomes. Pulmonologists need to be aware of the importance of screening patients with chronic pulmonary disease for OSA, as patients suffering from both chronic pulmonary disease and OSA, termed “overlap syndrome”, have increased morbidity and mortality. It is equally important to initiate appropriate treatment as CPAP treatment will improve quality of life, and prevent long-term respiratory and cardiovascular complications, with improved survival rates and decreased hospitalizations. The purpose of this review is to increase awareness of this association and provide pulmonologist with knowledge of how recent advances in sensor technology and computing now offer simple and cost-effective ambulatory methods to accurately screen for sleep disorders. This review should encourage more attention to symptoms of sleep apnea in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases.