ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Zeitschrift für orthopädische Onkologie

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Primary Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of Long Bones Treated with a Single Dose of Calcitonin and Methylprednisolone Percutaneous Intralesional Injection: A Case Series and Literature Review

Marcelo Braganca dos Reis Oliveira, Walter Meohas, Gustavo Sobral de Carvalho, Ronaldo Rego Rodrigues, Felipe Cesar Rosa Oliveira, Ana Cristina de Sa Lopes, Fernanda Carvalho de Queiroz Mello and Marcos Eduardo Machado Paschoal

Aneurysmal bone cyst is a rare benign bone tumor usually treated by surgery, which may in turn result in poor functional outcome and recurrence. This study aims to report a series of cases of primary ABC treated with a single dose of calcitonin and methylprednisolone injection. Six patients treated with a single-dose combination of calcitonin (200 UI) and methylprednisolone (120 mg) at a single institution from January 2011 to December 2013 were clinically and radiologically evaluated. After the follow-up period, all patients presented cyst healing. The mean time to healing was 2.8 months. The final mean overall functional score rating was 89.0%. We conclude that intralesional calcitonin and methylprednisolone injection results in aneurysmal bone cyst healing with good functional outcomes and thus can be an effective treatment method.

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