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Zubair K
A condition defined by loss of stir in the first metatarsophalangeal joint and its posterior progression to arthritis, is well- proved in the clinical literature new curatives for the operation of this condition, similar as living- cell cartilage matrix grafts, still, haven't been completely delved . In this study, the authors present two distinct cases of individualities that refused an arthrodesis, but had cartilage damage taking further than a cheilectomy. Both individualities at 24 months post-surgery remained asymptomatic, and happy with the outgrowth of their procedure. Hallux rigid us is a degenerative condition being in the first metatarsophalangeal ( MTP) joint. This pathology presents as a limitation of stir in the first MTP joint which may affect in apparent abnormalities in gait ( 1). Both conservative and surgical operation of hallux rigid us has been completely described in the literature. Well- established styles of surgical treatment include common sparing procedures similar as a cheilectomy as well as common immolating procedures similar as an arthrodesis of the MTP joint.