ISSN: ISSN 2472-016X

Zeitschrift für orthopädische Onkologie

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The Baby Bump and Malignant Lump: A Case Report of a Pregnant Patient with a Pelvic Sarcoma

Daniela Kristina D Carolino, Mary Rose C Gonzales and Richard S Rotor

Purpose: The occurrence of a malignancy during the course of pregnancy is uncommon but devastating. Due to the relative rarity of the condition, guidelines for management are largely based from small retrospective studies or case series with limited follow-up. With this case, we aim to discuss the options of management and rationalize the decisions in which the course of treatment of this patient has proceeded.

Methods: We describe the clinical presentation of the patient as well as the radiological findings, diagnostic tests, and management during the course of the disease.

Results: A 26-year old G2P1 (1001) Filipino female presented initially with a limp and gradual enlargement of a mass on the right hip while with a single intrauterine pregnancy of 8-9 weeks age of gestation. As the growth the mass continued, patient sought consult at our institution at 22 weeks gestation and was presented with options for management. Patient opted for conservative treatment with chemotherapy over hemipelvectomy. The neonate was eventually delivered at 35 weeks of gestation and demise of the patient ensued 2 months postpartum.

Conclusion: The treatment of malignancy in the pregnant patient should be individualized and largely dependent on the decision of the mother once full disclosure of all options of management, possible risks, and prognosis have been discussed.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert.